Getting the season started

To maintain social distancing requirements, our buses are currently restricted to ~10 seats per shuttle and no gear. Until restrictions ease, it is mandatory to drop off passengers and gear at the starting point before sending only the drivers to park and shuttle from the finish point. Only drivers and lap gear will be allowed to board the bus.  To monitor capacity, our reservation system is limiting each reservation to a single shuttle seat though it’s likely each group could have up to four drivers on the bus if able to maintain distance from other groups. If no room remains, those extra drivers will need to self-shuttle a car. If you want to self shuttle and avoid the bus completely, great!

As Wisconsin’s restrictions are adjusted, we’ll keep you updated through this page as well as pre-trip confirmation emails in addition to updating our reservation system accordingly.  If you need to reschedule or cancel your trip we will default to issuing a full refund for any COVID related adjustments.  Our normal full refund until 7 days before departure policy is also still in place. 

If you have any questions or would like clarifications, please don’t hesitate to send us a message (email is best given I can send those after hours – you know, because three kids under four).

For details on our disinfection process, read all about it on our COVID page.
