What started out as a new business with 10 canoes run by a couple of college kids trying to avoid the real world (or stay in it?) has evolved to include a husband and wife team (yeah, two of those college kids) now operating over 200 canoes and kayaks from Sauk City to Spring Green putting over 10,000 people on the water every season.
We’ve been instructing and guiding all kinds of outdoor trips through various organizations for nearly 25 years, most notably backpacking, canoeing, rock climbing, and mountain biking. Then we started offering canoe rentals in the Spring of 2010 after buying ten canoes and a trailer. Since the purchase of those first ten canoes, weekend canoe trips on the Wisconsin River have booked up weeks in advance and have spurred us into building the business and growing the fleet year after year.
Our many new and repeat customers have directly attributed our success to the quality and all around awesomeness of our guides/drivers/customer service and many a late night email answered. In addition, the development of our online reservation system and realtime website features like current river conditions have made a tremendous impact in the ease of access to information for people interested in paddling the river. There was also that time we gave out free t-shirts….people loved those.